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Saliva Drug Screen Test Cup
Saliva Drug Screen Test Cup

Saliva Drug Screen Test Cup

Saliva Drug Screen Test Cup is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Alcohol, Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Buprenorphine, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Ethyl Glucuronide, Fentanyl, K2, AB-PINACA, Ketamine, Methamphetamine, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Methaqualone, Methadone, Opiates, Oxycodone, Phencyclidine, Propoxyphene, Marijuana, Tramadol, etc and their metabolites in oral fluids. Our oral view saliva multi drug test can be customized with up to 14 different drug types.

Features of Saliva Drug Screen Test Cup

  • Configure with up to 14 drug types                                  

  • Non invasive and dignified collection

  • Avoid transgender observation

  • Quick results, read results within 5 minutes

  • High accuracy: 99% accuracy, comparable to laboratory-based tests.

  • Avoiding adulteration and pollution to the greatest extent possible

  • Shelf life: 24 months long shelf life and can be stored easily.

  • Small size, significantly saving shipping costs

  • Easy photocopying of test results

Product Details (Saliva)

Drug Test Items (Saliva)

Product nameDrug Screen Test Cup (Saliva)
Strip sizeThe regular strip is 3 mm
Time to resultwithin 5 minutes
ServiceOEM available
Shelf life/validity24 months
CertificationsCLIA/510K, CE, ISO13485, FDA, NMPA Cleared
Storagebetween 2-30°C
Accuracyover 99%
Packingaluminum foil pouch
ManufacturePrometheus Bio Inc

ALCAlcoholAlcohol>0.02% B.A.C.
AMPAmphetamineD-Amphetamine50 ng/mL
BARBarbituratesSecobarbital50 ng/mL
BUPBuprenorphineBuprenorphine10 ng/mL
BZOBenzodiazepinesOxazepam50 ng/mL
COCCocaineBenzoylecgonine20 ng/mL
COCCocaineBenzoylecgonine50 ng/mL
COCCocaineBenzoylecgonine150 ng/mL
COTCotinineCotinine40 ng/mL
ETGEthyl GlucuronideEthyl Glucuronide50 ng/mL
FENFentanylFentanyl50 ng/mL
K2K2JWH-018/JWH-07350 ng/mL
KETKetamineKetamine100 ng/mL
mAMPMetamphetamineD-Metamphetamine50 ng/mL
MDMAMethylenedioxymethamphetamineMDMA50 ng/mL
MDMAMethylenedioxymethamphetamineMDMA60 ng/mL
MQLMethaqualoneMethaqualone50 ng/mL
MTDMethadoneMethadone35 ng/mL
OPIOpiatesMorphine40 ng/mL
OPIOpiatesMorphine50 ng/mL
OPIOpiatesMorphine300 ng/mL
OPIOpiatesMorphine2000 ng/mL
OXYOxycodoneOxycodone50 ng/mL
PCPPhencyclidinePhencyclidine10 ng/mL
PPXPropoxyphenePropoxyphene50 ng/mL
THCMarijuanaDelta -9- THC-COOH12 ng/mL
TRATramadolTramadol50 ng/mL

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